Bangalore people,
This weekend's workshop will focus on the Sivananda Hatha Yoga series, one of my favorite series to practice.
The Sivananda series includes
-Breathing exercises, pranayama
-Surya namaskar, warming up sequences, followed by the
12 basic asanas of the series.
These include:
1. Sirsasana (headstand),
2. Sarvangasana (shoulder stand),
3. Halasana (plow pose),
4. Matsyasana (fish pose),
5. Pashyamottanasana (sitting forward fold),
6. Bhujangasana (cobra pose),
7. Shalabhasana (locust pose),
8. Dhanurasana (bow pose),
9. Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist),
10. Kakasana
11. Padahastasana
12. Trikonasana (triangle pose).
You do not need to be well versed with each of the above poses. We will learn progressions and modifications of each of them
We will learn the preparatory postures, modifications and the 12 basic asanas that we practice and hold in this series, which we can build upon over time to enrich our personal practice.
Hope to see you there!