If you don't already have a solid computer science background, most of the typical algorithms used in industry-wide job interviews can be intimidating. Moreover, even experienced engineers sometimes struggle to apply proper algorithmic thinking in their production code. This workshop starts at a basic problem/solution, and layers up to complex algorithms for a variety of challenging tasks. Whether attendees have computer science education or not, they will leave this workshop with practical algorithms knowledge, prepared to tackle problems by first thinking algorithmically and then translating that into efficient code.
1. Learn how “Big O” classification impacts both computation time and memory usage (and the tradeoffs) 2. Explore how data structures (classic and custom) shaped to the nature of the problem lay the groundwork for better algorithms 3. Learn basic techniques for benchmarking computation time and memory usage
Mid-to-senior level software developers (JS)
18+ months of experience in JS. Attendees code along with presenter, so must have a comfortable basic dev environment (editor, browser, git).