Startup Estonia is coming to Bangalore and inviting all startup founders and members to come and learn more about how the Estonia’s startup ecosystem, e-services, and the Startup Visa can help in building and growing your startup.
But why should Estionia be interesting for you and your startup? The tiny Northern European country is a real technology powerhouse and one of the most digitally advanced nations, where setting up a company takes 18 minutes and filing taxes only 3 - and all online. Being the country of origin for Skype and Transferwise, Estonia has the largest number of startups per capita in Europe, a high quality of life at an affordable price, and supportive business climate with a low level of bureaucracy - in other words, an ideal environment for startups!
The event is perfect for you if you are:
- a startup founder looking to relocate to Europe/Estonia
- a startup founder looking to establish a presence in the EU
- a startup founder looking to run your company efficiently online
- curious about one of the fastest growing startup ecosystems in Europe
See you at the event and bring a friend as well – (s)he’ll thank you later! Also, food & beverages are on us.
The event is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.