Ways Of Dealing with  Delayed Responses,Corrective Action Request | Event in NA | Townscript
Ways Of Dealing with  Delayed Responses,Corrective Action Request | Event in NA | Townscript

Ways Of Dealing with Delayed Responses,Corrective Action Request

May 11 '20 | 11:00 AM (MDT)
Online Event

Event Information

If you've ever issued a CAR (corrective action request) you know what it's like. You sort of silently hope (pray?) that the individual to whom you sent it will give it the respect it deserves. Why wouldn't they, given that it is an indication that there are deficiencies in organizational processes that will negatively impact customers, cost, throughput, employee satisfaction, etc.
Of course we all know that in many organizations this is wishful thinking. CARS are often treated as a hot potato, with people either touching it briefly (which means a shallow and/or meaningless response), or worse yet, they evidently don't touch it at all since there is no response.
So how should one respond when there are significant delays in responding? Well that depends on how often it happens, whether it is individual-specific, or whether it's systemic. This webinar will use causal analysis to identify the reasons for and solutions to six potential systemic reasons as well as eight different responses for when it's an individual issue. It will also discuss some of the issues these responses might raise for the individual and how to deal with them.
Why you should Attend
The corrective action process is one of the more important components of a management system, whether it's for quality, safety, environmental management, IT service management, etc. While well-defined processes are the obvious expectation, unpredicted or inadequately controlled variances unfortunately create failures that are often detected too late to prevent their impact on customers, products, equipment and/or people.
But a good corrective action process will effectively identify the underlying organizational weaknesses and put solutions in place to prevent recurrence. But a good corrective action process requires timely and meaningful root cause analysis and solution implementation, which often fails to occur.
This webinar is about the delays that often occur and how the organization (initiated by the coordinator of the corrective action process) can respond. It looks at the problem from a cause-solution perspective and considers whether it's an outlier or a systemic issue in deciding the response. Also discussed is how the management system itself can be used as an escalation process to ensure the situation is resolved.
Areas Covered in the Session
Systemic versus individual outlier symptoms
Typical systemic causes
Potential solutions for each systemic cause
8 responses for individual/outlier situations
Assumptions behind each of the 8 responses
Cautions for those responses
Dealing with the frustration
Who Will Benefit
Corrective Action Coordinators
Quality Managers
Safety Managers
Environmental System Managers
Information System Management Managers
Audit Program Managers
Nonconformity Reporting Managers

Event link : https://www.traininng.com/webinar/dea-201347live?channel=townscript-MAY_2020_SEO
Contact Info
Traininng.com LLC
Email: traininngdotcom@gmail.com
Phone: US: (510) 962-8903
Phone: Zurich: +41 - 43 434 80 33
Website : https://www.traininng.com


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