Visapur Fort and Bhaja Caves Trek | Event in Mumbai | Townscript
Visapur Fort and Bhaja Caves Trek | Event in Mumbai | Townscript

Visapur Fort and Bhaja Caves Trek

Mar 15 '15 | 08:30 AM (IST)

Event Information

Hill Climb, Exploring historical fort at Night, Camp Fire, Exploring ancient Bhaja Caves

Planned Schedule:
Reporting at Lonavala 8:30 - 9:00 am
Departure to Visapur Fort base village near Malavli by Local Transport or Tourist (Van or Jeep)
09:30 am to 04:30 pm Trek to Visapurt fort, lunch at fort and Exploring the fort
On the way back exploring Bhaja Caves05:00 pm Return journey from Malavli to Lonavala
End - of - Tour

Trek Fee:
Rs.850/- per person. (Minimum billing for 4 to 6 persons)
Rs.750/- per person. (Mnimum billing 7 persons to 12 persons)
Rs.690/- per person (Minimum billing 13 persons to 20 persons)

Optional Cost:Transport: 
Van Rs.2200/- per vehicle upto 5 persons (Lonavala to Visapur base village and Back)
Transport: Sumo Rs.2500/- per vehicle upto 7 persons (Lonavala to Visapurt base village and back)
Note: Its possible to reach Malavli from Lonavala by local train and take local rickshaw from Malavli till base village of Visapur fort.

Packed lunch will cost Rs.300/- per head.
Ex. Mumbai to Malavli Village and Back: Transport Rs.4500/- per Jeep (6 persons capacity). (Road tolls will be borne by the customer).
For group size over 20 kindly call in person to discuss complete package cost.

A Little Bit of  Visapur Fort History:
Our first major destination for the day Visapur stands tall at a height of 3567 feet; this fort is located next to another fascinating fort Lohagad. These two forts are separated by a small khind called Gaimukh. These forts were built during the period of Satavahana reign. After being under the control of Nizamshah and Adilshah, the forts were then conquered by Shivaji, Later in a treaty signed by Shivaji with Mirza Raje Jaisingh, he handed over twenty three forts to Aurangzeb. Subsequently he recaptured these forts; after his death the forts came under the rule of Mughals before Kanoji Angre won it back. During the time of the Peshwas these forts were used quite a lot. The last rulers of the fort were British.

Visapur Fort Trek Routes:
 Visapur can be approached by two routes; one route is to climb the trail leading to Khind between Lohgad and Visapur; follow the trail to your left leading towards Bhedse hill; along this route you will find a path which steeply climbs through a ar�te ending up into the fort, this is not regular entrance; we will use another route which starts from the stairs leading to Bhaja Caves; after climbing few steps you then take diversion to your left where a small trail climbs above the Bhaja Caves hill to takes you to a  small plateau. From this plateau you can see the fort very clearly. You maintain your progress keep to the left hand side of the hill as you climb up along the walls till you come across a small waterfall (will be dry when we trek from here in November) and then from here a small trail leads you the start of stairs leading to the entrance of fort which has a Maruti Temple just few steps short of the entrance.


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