The 6th International Conference on Power Engineering (ICPE 2025) will take place in Xi'an, China from December 05-07, 2025. Sponsored by IEEE, PES, Northwestern Polytechnical University, organized by School of Automation, School of Civil Aviation of Northwestern Polytechnical University. The conference has patrons such as University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Haribin Institue of Technology(Shenzhen), Politecnico di Milano, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Northeastern University, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, University of Ferrara, Horus University-Egypt, and others. ICPE 2024 aims to summarize and exchange the latest research results of power engineering technology in China, especially the Greater Bay Area, promote the development and exchange of power technology worldwide, and explore new applications of power technology. It provides a communication platform for experts and scholars in the field of power engineering technology and related research to exchange the latest research results and explore academic development directions.