Mesmerize the audience with the magic of music.
Do you think you’ve mastered the art of music? Do you have a talented band to back you up? Be it Rock, Jazz, Classical or Country, if you have what it takes to captivate the audience and come out on the top, Techletics’22 welcomes you to battle out your musical skills at the ‘Battle of Bands’.
For more details, contact Abdul Basith: 8943059965, Alan Antony: 9495512064
- Each band should get on stage and complete their soundcheck in approximately 15 minutes but must not exceed 20 minutes.
- All musical genres are accepted.
- There is no limit to the number of bands who wish to apply for the competition and submitted demos will be fairly appraised for shortlisting.
- All participants must report to the college by 12:30 PM.
- Use of a maximum of 6 instruments is allowed.
- A band must consist of at least two singers to be considered eligible.
- All music must be performed live, background tracks or karaoke are not permitted.
- A band will be disqualified for performing music considered lude, violent, sexist, and racist or that contains inappropriate language.
- Winners will be announced by the end of the competition.
- The decision made by judges is final and binding upon all.