Basic Details:-
Theme of Conference: Empowering Institutions in Career Education, Life Skills and bridging GAP in standards of Education System. Ways to improve Career Education in Institutes eg. Mental Health, Understanding Competition, Mentoring Programs and Transforming Academics.
Venue: Host Institution (MIT, Aurangabad)
Dates: 9th Feb.2020 (Sunday)
Participants: Industry Stalwarts, Deans, Directors, Faculties, Principals, Education Officers, Executives, Government Agencies & other interested Stakeholders. Invitation will be given to 1000+ institute Principals/Trustees in our reach at pan.
Seat Availability: Very Limited, upto 200 only. Register Now!
Registration FEES:- 550/- + GST (Per Participant)
Major highlighted points to be covered during conference:-
- Current scenario in education and related drawbacks.
- Ways to have inclusive Empowerment of Institute in Transforming Academics, Mental Health or Mindset of Students, Mentorship Programs and Managing Competitive Edge.
- Existing GAPs due to differences in career based and traditional education system.
- A play to showcase, what is happening with students.
- Ways to stop, rapid commercialization by coaching classes of educational system.
- Competition, peer expectation and experiment on students self-esteem.
- Ways to empower in-house system of institutions with guided roadmaps.
- Mental health and students growth in today's environment.
- Participation certificates will be given to participants.
- Morning 9 to Afternoon 3. Inclusive Breakfast and Lunch.
- and many more.
1. Interactive workshop on "Understanding and Changing Student Behaviour".
2. Special workshop on "Psychology, Approach and Mindset for Competitive Exams".
Don't Miss, Register Now!
Thank you,
Best regards,
Vignesh M. (ICT, IITB, CFA, FRM, Actuarial Scientist)
Hon. Co-Founder, Kaushalyam.Org
TEAM Kaushalyam.Org
Contact Us - 9029615215 / 9653469522
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