Go beyond JavaScript – use Lo-Dash to write fast, maintainable applications
Rapid Lo-Dash is a fast-paced introduction to using functional programming techniques in JavaScript.
You will start by setting up your development environment, and get your feet wet using Lo-Dash to work with arrays. Then you'll use Lo-Dash to work with JavaScript Objects and Types. You will then do some exercises to explore object keys and values, and duplicate objects and values. Then you will learn to create collections, extract data from them, and manipulate them. Once you've seen the building blocks of Lo-Dash, you'll use functional programming techniques to write applications that you'll love to maintain. Finally you’ll learn to use chaining and control the flow of your app.
By the time you've completed Rapid Lo-Dash, you'll have seen how Lo-Dash can help you write fast and maintainable JavaScript applications for nodeJS or the Web.
About the Author
Adam England is software developer, start-up executive, and public speaker from Kansas City, Missouri. He actively writes and speaks on JavaScript topics, as well as writing applications in Ruby, Python, Java, and PHP. He holds a BS in Computer Science from Truman University, and has developed software for companies ranging from Fortune 500 companies to bootstrapped start-ups. He also helps companies build web and mobile software through his company, Durin Software. When he's not writing web and mobile applications, you'll find him perfecting his pizza dough recipe in the kitchen or learning entry level robotics.
Basic knowledge
Familiarity with JavaScript in either nodeJS or web applications is highly recommended
What will you learn
Use Lo-Dash in your Node.js or Web projects for a smooth coding experience
Stop using loops on to navigate your arrays – start using functions
Organize your JavaScript and stop duplicating code with objects, inheritance, and mixins
Take control of data types and keep your weakly-typed JavaScript safe
Organize your data into collections, and slice-and-dice them using Lo-Dash
Employ MapReduce operations in your JavaScript applications to do advanced data crunching
Tie your functions to the clock to throttle and delay execution whenever you need to
Transform clumsy code into elegant function chains for a maintainable and flexible app