We, गडवेडे Trekkers are happy to invite you for a Range Trek - Rajgad Fort to Torna Fort
Trek Information:
Location Address: Rajgad-Torna, Maharashtra.
Trek Length: About 25km from the base village.
Difficulty: Easy to Medium grade.
Suitability: Beginners to Professionals!
07:45 AM: Reporting At Swargate Bus Depo.
08:00 AM: Start journey by ST bus to Gunjavane.
11:00 AM: Reach Gunjave village, get a refresh, and make yourself comfortable.
11.45 AM: Start trek to rajgad fort.
01:30 PM: Reach at top of the fort.
02:00 PM : Have Lunch.
03:00 PM: Visit bale killa and Suvela Machi.
07: 00 PM: Return back to Padmavati machi.
08:30 PM : Have dinner.
09:30 PM : Go sleep.
03:30 AM: Waking Up, get refreshed, and have breakfast!
05:00 AM: Round of important instructions, brief intro session & commencement of the trek to torna fort.
11:00 AM Reach at the torna, explore fort, enjoy beautiful views, Enjoy surroundings, Photo click sessions, and explore the nearby region.
01:00 PM: Start descending from the top.
03:00 PM: After having lunch, we'll start our journey back to Pune!
08:30 PM: Reach Back to Swargate bus depo.
Note: If any cancellation after registration minor amount will be deducted and the remaining amount will be refunded.
Pratik Ubhe- 9856-11-2727
Rohit Panhalkar- 9856-12-2727
*Your registration will be confirmed only after the acceptance of the trek fees.
*The mentioned trek fees is non refundable/non transferable in any circumstances.
*The detailed itinerary of the trek will be communicated later to registered participants.
We will love to see you for the Trek