Pune Ultra
Pune Ultra Marathon is a brainchild of FreeRunners with a goal to provide a unique ultra running platform....
• First Ultra Marathon in Pune and Maharashtra state.
• Hot Nutritious Food at the venue throughout the event for all participants.
• Amalgamated route of Trail, Gradients, Roads and Hill slopes to provide an ultimate endurance test, run in loops of 25km through the day and night.
• Cut off timing for each category.
• Free overnight lodging for runners from rural areas and economically weak runners.
• A well trained Organising Team and 3-4 Aid stations, with full time manning and tracking of each runner on route.
GOODIES for all Particpants Include the following:-
(a) An amazing High Quality Pune Ultramarathon T Shirt
(b) A superb Backpack for you to carry your essentials .
(c) A life time cherishing memento to the Finishers.
Route Map
Route Elevation Profile
- No refunds are permitted.
Additional Info
All Registrations will be scrutinized by the Technical Committee for authenticity, race eligibility as per specified criteria, including medical profile and the technical committee's decision will be final regarding participation in the event. In case of the participant being declared as not allowed to participate due to any of the above reasons, the registration amount shall be duly refunded. However, no refund is permissible if the participant decides to withdraw on his/ her own due to any reason whatsoever."
"All participants are expected to carry their own gear to enable carrying items such as head torch, water or anything else they may want to carry. While hydration and nutrition support has been organised at aid stations along the route and, the ultra marathoners are generally expected to be self supported at least to reach back to the venue on their own."
Please book the accomodation nearby to avoid last minute travelling. Some hotels nearby are:-
Z inn Hotel And Lodging
Hotel Jay Shree Executive
Hotel Indraprastha Executive
Medical Disclaimer
- The Pune Ultramarathon Run is a physically challenging event and participation in it presents medical risks, many of which can be extremely serious or fatal.
- Participation in this event is at the runner’s own risk. Although medical personnel and ambulance have been organised, the inaccessibility of the trail will make it difficult or impossible for medical assistance to reach the runner immediately.
- Participants are encouraged to see their own medical doctor prior to the Run. Runners should be knowledgeable about the stress effects related to participation in ultra events.
- It is important for each entrant to recognize the potential physical and mental stresses, which may evolve from participation in this Run. Runners may be subject to extremes of heat, hyperthermia, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, disorientation and mental and physical exhaustion. We will do all we reasonably can to ensure “safe passage” to Pune city, but ultimately runners must understand their own limitations. This is one event where it is better to follow the dictates of your body — not your ambitions! Adequate physical and mental conditioning prior to the Run is mandatory. If you have not been able to prepare properly, do not attempt to run!
- Runners should appreciate the risks associated with participation in this event. Actions may have to be taken on your behalf under extreme time constraints and adverse circumstances. We will make reasonable efforts to give assistance whenever possible. Ultimately and primarily you are in charge, and you are likely to be solely responsible for creating your own crisis that we must then respond to. Be careful, be responsible, and do not exceed your own abilities and limitations.
- Use of Drugs: No drugs of any kind should be taken before, during or immediately after the Run! Many drugs can increase the risk of heat stroke.
- Getting Lost: Although endeavors to mark the Pune Ultramarathon course have been taken; it is definitely possible to lose the trail. If you believe at any time that you may not be on the correct trail, do not attempt to find your way cross country. If you are sure of your route, backtrack to where you last saw a trail marker and try to find other markers showing the direction of the trail. If you are unable to find your way, stay where you are! STAY ON THE TRAIL. You will be found there either by another runner or the bike safety patrol that monitor the progress of runners during the event. If you feel dizzy, disoriented or confused, do not risk falling. Sit or lie down on the trail until you recover or are found.