When we are physically sick we immediately take the help of a doctor. fair enough. When we are mentally sick it is taboo to express why? World health Organization says the second greatest killer by 2020 will be depression. Stress, tension, mood swings, insecurity, hurts, irrational fears, inferiority complex or superiority complex, disproportionate anger, one upmanship are a part of mental sickness. All of humanity deep within wants to cure itself of this disease. It is in search of this elusive eternal happiness and peace that every one of us craves for.
There is a Conscious mind which forms only ten per cent of the whole while the unconscious mind forms the balance 90 per cent. Most of our complicated personal reactions are hidden layers of personality, a result of complex memory layers of our past filled with hurts upsets, disappointments etc., which form” Enneagrams” constitute the hidden unconscious self.