Pluto Drone Workshop Bangalore (Basic) -  Drona Aviation | Event in Bengaluru | Townscript
Pluto Drone Workshop Bangalore (Basic) -  Drona Aviation | Event in Bengaluru | Townscript

Pluto Drone Workshop Bangalore (Basic) - Drona Aviation

Dec 17 '17 | 10:00 AM (IST)

Event Information

One day workshop to familiarize the participants with drones, teach them basics and intricacies of a quadrotor, enable them to build a palm sized quadrotor themselves and experience the pleasure of flying self­built drone.


What it is about?

Quadrotor (Quad) i s a rotor­craft lifted and propelled by four rotors. The one you saw Aamir Khan flying in 3-Idiots.


What will students learn from workshop?

● Principles of operation of multi­rotors

● Hands-­on experience with building aerial vehicles

● Flying self­built UAVs

● Trouble­shooting


Age: 10 and above years


Things to carry : Smartphone/Tablet with app “Pluto Controller ” installed


Course Activities :

● Definition and Uses of Drones
● Aerodynamics: In depth explanation of forces and axes involved in flying of pluto
● Simulation to understand Forces better
● Equilibrium: Understanding stable and unstable systems
● Sensors: In-depth about accelerometer, Gyro Sensor, Barometer and magnetometer
which are present in Pluto
● Motors: How motors work and what is Lorentz's law
● Propellers: What type of propeller we are using and it affects flying
● Building Pluto Drone on your own
● Flying Training


Cost includes : The necessary Pluto kit using which participant will build a drone Pluto. Participants have to return the kit back at the end of the workshop.


Cost excludes : If you want to take the Pluto which you have built home, you need to pay additional Rs. 5300. We won’t provide Lunch

Please read the FAQs before booking. 


USPs of Pluto:

- Kit to build drones from scratch

- Platform with an Open Source Firmware Code

- Smartphone controlled - All data on App

- Inexpensive available spares

- Potential students ranging from school kids to college students to working professionals in technology domain

- Cost effectively possible to have one student working on a single drone instead of multiple students on a single drone



Who will be mentoring ?

Workshop will be conducted by experienced trainers of Drona Aviation.


Is it necessary to carry a smartphone?

Yes,Pluto is a smartphone controlled nano drone, without smartphone you won’t be able to fly your Pluto.


Does it include Lunch?



What is the age-group?

Age 10 years and above


What prior knowledge is required

Nothing, Just enthusiasm to fly and know how things work.


Any discounts that can be given to the participants if they want to take back the drone that they work on?

In Rs. 5,300 , you will get drone on which you have worked on. MRP of Pluto is Rs. 6500

USE EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT code : DRONABANG1K  (valid only till 10th December 2017.)



(Only valid till  10th December) 

  1 person/drone 2 person/drone
1(w/o) Pluto Rs.3500 Rs.2500
1(w/) Pluto Rs.8800 Workshop fees + Rs.5300/drone
After 10th December 1(w/o) Pluto Rs.4500 Rs.3500
1(w/) Pluto Rs.9800 Workshop fees + Rs.5300/drone

For registration :


Online registration only for the workshop. Pay Rs. 5300 extra at the end of workshop to take home your own Pluto drone.


Date: 17th December 2017
Time: 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Venue: 3rd Floor, No.22 #351, Salarpuria Towers-1, Hosur Road, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560095

Contact : Saurabh - 9900253410


3rd Floor, No.22 #351,
Salarpuria Towers-1, Hosur Road,, Koramangala,, Bengaluru, India
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Joined on Dec 7, 2017
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