Explore your creative side in making bright, colourful and a beautiful bouquet of paper roses and lilies. KalaKeerti announces a workshop on making a "Paper Flower Bouquet" at Tales & Spirits , SB Road on
Date: 27th April,
Day: Saturday
Time: 4PM to 7 PM
Fee: Rs 999/- per participant all inclusive.
Age group: 14+
Prior registration is compulsory*.
For registration please contact: 8600599999
The Artist Vaishali is the founder of KalaKeerti (a place where art and artists spread joy) and a post graduate in fine arts & painting and specializes in multiple art forms, few of them being oil-on-canvas, acrylic painting, nib & knife painting, mandala dot art, fabric painting and varieties of paper flowers.
What will you be provided: All the materials required to prepare the paper flower bouquet will be provided by the organizers. And yes, you get to take home few stencils as a gift from our side.
Visit the following to see Vaishali's creations
*Limited seats available