This is an Online Yoga Nidra Course that aims to guide aspirants to reveal the deeper layers of the mind and cultivate a harmonious lifestyle.
Mind Flow Harmony is a certified school from Yoga Alliance USA.
Based in Rishikesh, India.
Finding moments of profound relaxation and inner stillness might be difficult in the busy world we live in. Yoga Nidra, a potent technique that encourages relaxation, stress relief, and self-awareness, can help with this. You can now start a transforming journey by enrolling in an online Yoga Nidra course in India thanks to the accessibility and convenience of online learning. The importance of Yoga Nidra, its advantages, and how to discover the ideal online course to improve your practice are all covered in this article.
What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga Nidra, often known as "yogic sleep," is a consciousness-level transition between waking and sleep. It is a method of guided meditation that enables you to experience deep relaxation while keeping your awareness. An instructor guides you through a series of spoken instructions during a Yoga Nidra session as you lie down comfortably to relax every part of your body and discover your inner landscape.
• What is yoga Nidra
• Proper meaning of relaxation
• How to apply Yoga Nidra to yourself and other people
• How you can work on your chakras
• How to release everyday stress and tensions
• How to balance and focus the mind
• How to improve sleep and get rid of insomnia
Benefits of Yoga Nidra:
Numerous advantages for one's physical, mental, and emotional health are provided by yoga nidra. Among the main advantages are:
1. Relaxation and stress reduction: Yoga Nidra triggers the body's natural relaxation response, which lowers tension and fosters a profound state of relaxation.
2. Yoga Nidra practise on a regular basis can help treat insomnia and encourage healthier sleep habits
3. A greater understanding of oneself is achieved through Yoga Nidra's exploration of your inner experiences and sensations.
4. The practice of emotional healing enables you to process unresolved emotions and develop inner peace.
5. Enhanced intuition and creativity: Yoga Nidra activates the right hemisphere of the brain, boosting intuition and creativity. read more...