Mind is Your Business, is an Inward Breakthrough Workshop on Emotional Fitness for Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Artists, Professionals & Students under a Self Awareness Initiative by Anantaguru Foundation.
Key Benefits of Emotional Fitness -
- Higher Self Love, Unconditional Happiness, Effortless Health & Harmony
- Higher Learnability & thus consequential Growth in all 360 degrees of life
- Experience Love in Relationships & absolute Meaningfulness in Life
Think about it! -
Mind is the real Business, the only Business that if learnt well and done well, rest everything falls in place. Let it be your Quality of Life, or Work, your Health or Relationships, your Performance or Creativity, everything flows out of a Human Mind, a Happy (thus Healthy) Human Mind.
An Effective Mind can Think Better, and Thinking is the key to everything..
- Can you make a Strategy without Thinking?
- Can you be Innovative without Thinking?
- Can you ever learn to handle crisis situations without learning to think clearly?
- Can you bring any change in your routine lifestyle, with no Thinking involved?
- Can you learn to understand people and lead them well, without using your Thinking ability?
- And what happens to our thinking ability when we are affected by our Egos, Expectations, Desires, Fears & Attachments..?
- When you are not Happy inside, whats the quality of your thoughts? And thus your Actions..?
- So what more to wonder about our ineffectiveness?
- Do we treat Emotional Fitness as an Option or as a Must?
For every other know-how you may find external sources can be of great help, like outsourcing certain function of your business, hiring the right professionals, partnering with complementing businesses, using freelance services, etc. But when it comes to your Emotional Fitness, your Mental Agility, your Happiness, who can you delegate or outsource it to?
And for what "valid" reason would you delay your attention any further on something that actually, really, truly matters - your Happiness..!!
Afterall everything we do, is ultimately for Happiness, isn't it?
- What if you could learn to stay Happy by Choice (and not by chance) ?
- What would happen to your Mental Efficiency when you are 10 on 10 Happy?
- How would your Meetings, Presentations, Interviews, Gatherings, all the Conversations would turn out to be..?
Think of it! If you are Happy 10 on 10, what impact it has on your Relationships? May it be Personal, Professional, Social or even with your Self, a Happy Mind feels Love for one and all..
Lets learn together..
- Who is that most neglected key resource of your Business?
- What's the Key Impact area of your Growth?
- Where does all the strategies, plans and actions come from?
But Do You Care? and if you don't, who else can? What if you could operate at a much much much higher levels of efficiency of yourself, fetching the best out of you? And without any burnout, stress & imbalance..?
All this and much more can change in every one of our lives, only and only if we prioritize our Emotional & Mental Health.
Let's not ignore or push away the fact. You are never at your level best when you are not Happy. We are too used to chasing Happiness, in achievements, ambitions, aspirations, admirations and acceptance, that often we lose the very essence of life, which is to Learn, Laugh & Love.
Stress, Pressure & Tension kills more than 300% of the Quality of your Work, and more than 500% of the Quality of your Life. Relationships suffer, Health deteriorates, Satisfaction is lost, Youthfulness drains away, leaving you tired, burnt out and reactive every single day and night..
What would you choose if you can?
Unhappy, Unhealthy & Dissatisfied Momentary Success.. Or
Happy, Healthy & Harmonious Perpetual Growth..
"Mind over Matter" (and not vice-versa) is a fact, and not a Philosophy. The only business we all have above all is to mind our thoughts, emotions & actions, rest all follows. But does Mind really Matter to you? Do You 'Mind' Your Business?
Take Charge! NOW
What all would you Learn?
- Why we do what we do? | Understanding the Driving Forces
- Understanding Happiness & Satisfaction
- How Self Love & Health are Connected?
- Equations of Stress & Work-Life Balance
- Thinking is the Key to All | Mind over Matter
- Catalyzing Performance by Thinking Clear
- Crisis, External Consequences & Vicious Cycles
- Hard Work, Discipline & Success Burn Outs
- Whats the Point, at Cost of Life?
- What really Matters in Life?
- Creating Life & World from Happiness & Love
- Learning is the only way in, & out..
At the end of the Webinar, you will be introduced to our Online Personal Coaching Program & Online Small Group Workshops, along with our Exclusive time bound Offers to encourage clearer and quicker Decision Making in Learners. If Growth is Non Negotiable to you and Time is Valuable, then all it takes is to Decide to Learn to Take Charge! NOW