"Where chaotic emotions meet you with the most silent expression."
For the ones among us who can make the invisible, visible and the visible, invisible. The art form that has no barriers is open this Brahma'22 . Get ready to be a part of the Mime competition. It's good to shut up sometimes
Prize worth 15K is awaiting you!
Venue: Main Stage
REGISTRATION FEE: 200 per head
For registration and more details : www.brahma.live
◻️Mime is acting without words.
It is an art of expression through gestures, postures and facial expressions. It portrays ideas, themes or tells a story, through physical movements only.
◻️A team may consist of a minimum of 5 members and maximum of 10 members.
◻️Maximum time allowed is 12 minutes.
◻️Teams should report at the backstage at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time.
◻️The use of fire, water, color powder, popper and smoke in any form is prohibited.
◻️Use of instruments in background is permitted.
Recordings or background music are to be submitted prior to the event (CD/USB).
◻️Judgement will be based on the energy, theme, synchronization, definition and clarity, Expressions, formations, music, creativity, Use of Makeup, Costume.
Weightage will be given to themes and costumes.
◻️No separate prizes for boys and girls
◻️Modesty should be maintained.
◻️Vulgarity in any form is strictly prohibited. Any form of obscenity will lead to debarring the team from the contest.
◻️Use of improper language, lyrics or gestures will not be permitted.
◻️Judges decision would be final.
◻️Mail your queries to brahma.adishankara@gmail.com
For more details contact:
Arjun MS-7902880619
Don Benny-8301881381