Mentor Session on HealthTech Product and Growth Strategy | Event in undefined | Townscript
Mentor Session on HealthTech Product and Growth Strategy | Event in undefined | Townscript

Mentor Session on HealthTech Product and Growth Strategy

Mar 27 '21 | 11:00 AM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

1-1 Mentor Session - HealthTech: Product and Growth

Please register your startup at for more details.

HS Mentor (invite-only, 11 AM - 1 PM)
Headstart Mentor is a hands-off mentoring session for entrepreneurs, facilitated by Headstart. Our intention is to get qualifying startups coached by the industry’s best and to build a pay-it-forward culture in the startup circuit.
It is an invite-only Mentor Session that aims to provide a structure to 5 qualifying startups to find solutions to their problems by interacting with brilliant peers and experts in their industry. A Mentor session lasts for 3 hours and is organized on specific domains (like Healthcare, EdTech, etc.) or horizontals (like sales, fundraising, etc.). 

P.S. it's an invite-only event.

Please register your startup at for more details.

• Important to know
There is nothing startup has to pay to get mentored, but they have to make a promise - to pay it forward by mentoring younger startups when they are ready and have an opportunity.

Date: 27th March 2021
Time: 11 AM to 1 PM

Participating startups need to meet the qualifying criteria specified by the mentor (like Revenue, stage of the company, etc.) and they must each come prepared with their single biggest challenge in that area.

Application shortlisting is COMPLETELY AT HEADSTART'S DISCRETION and on a best effort basis. Please give us at least 1 week to revert on your application!


This is an online event
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Headstart Network Foundation
Joined on Aug 29, 2018
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Headstart Network is a nonprofit organization which helps early-stage startups through its various initiatives.
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