Impactful Presentation Skills Masterclass is a training program about creating and delivering presentations that are indeed impactful so it would be a good idea to tell you the story of this workshop, why to attend this in the first place. knowledge to improve learning to implement, Tips to use, tools to practice and confidence to win is what you can take away with you from this masterclass. Following are the outline:
The Triage of Effective Speaking: Persuasive Speech
1. Logos: Logical appeal
2. Ethos: Ethical appeal
3. Pathos: Emotional appeal
The Triage of Impactful Presentations: Impactful Presentation
1. Story
2. Design
3. Delivery
Information Processing :
1. Reducing cognitive load
2. Determines attention & Interpretation
3. Make it memorable
4. Split Attention reduces Retention.
The design is not just what it looks like and feels like. The design is how it works.
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