Madhumakarand gad trek on 17 Nov
Situated in the hills of Mahabaleshwar region this is an offbeat jungle trek you will never forget
We will start from Law college road Pune at 10 pm on 16th by private bus and will travel to Hatlot village till 4 am, have some rest and then after breakfast start our trek till 8 am, reach Ghonuspur village at the top till 10 am. We will visit the fort, have lunch and come back to base till 4 pm, and return to Pune till 10 pm
You should bring bedding, extra dress, a plate, a bowl, a glass, a torch and 2 water bottles with you, wear trekking or sports shoes, a sun cap, avoid shorts, do not bring disposables with you
Trek fee Rs. 1000/- Including travel and food
Booking till 15 Nov
Call 9850520058