Dear All,
We are proud (excited) to announce the launch of the learning series starting May 14th. Most of our sessions are around exploring various topics, methods and processes. This initiative is an endeavor to empower people in our community in their Professional Development by deep-diving into the IAF Ethics, Values and Core Competencies. Each session is specially curated to enable the learning and demonstration of how to ‘Live’ these in your facilitation. The sessions will be designed and conducted by CPFs/EFs/Experienced senior facilitators within the community.
The first in the series is “IAF Ethics & Values” facilitated by Vinay Kumar & Yateen Gharat (both CPFs).
The session will provide participants a deep understanding of the IAF statement values and ethics. We will explore not just what they mean but also how we can "Live" the values. We will also examine specific situations and scenarios where our values and ethics may be in conflict with what is needed and how a facilitator can navigate through them. Participants will be encouraged to share the situations they have encountered and we will leverage group wisdom in using our IAF values and ethics as our compass for "Doing" and "Being"