Pune will witness an event that aims to explore and magnify business opportunities in Maharashtra, through the well-known platform LinkedIn Local on Saturday, 29th October 2022 in the heart of Pune South at HiFi Library.
LinkedInLocal – The Idea which turned into a Global Movement is one of the exciting upcoming events in Pune, it builds on the entrepreneur’s and professional natural inclination to seek partnerships and collaborations.
Participants get a chance to meet in person, Sandra Showalter, Visual Branding Expert & Bhavana Gesota, Techie.Artist.Author.Thinker.
Sandra Showalter will give us insight into how to use your marketing to captivate your audience and improve your client language.
Bhavana Gesota is going to tell us how to become an author and write a book.
This would be followed by Q&A and Networking over high tea.
Registration mandatory.