Learn Python Django - A Hands-On Course | Event in NA | Townscript
Learn Python Django - A Hands-On Course | Event in NA | Townscript

Learn Python Django - A Hands-On Course

May 13'20 - May 12'25 | 06:00 PM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

Django is a Python based web framework. It is one of the hottest web frameworks available. Increase your developers skills and demand by learning this great framework.
In this course, you'll learn Django by building an increasingly complex, responsive website step by step.
We start with an introduction what Django is all about. Then we jump right in by creating a simple website. From there, we start fresh again with a new website and keep adding pieces until we ultimately arrive at a fully responsive, database driven Django website.
Each lecture is clear and paced so you that you can fully absorb what is happening. The pace is also set so they can you build up the same website as you follow along.
Code of the final website is included as well.
Who is the target audience?
Anyone wanting to learn how to use Django
Python developers wanting a web framework

Basic knowledge
some python programming experience
A text editor
Python 2.7 at least

What will you learn
Create a database driven website using Django


This is an online event
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Joined on Apr 7, 2020
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*Exclusive of Taxes
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