Keto Slim Max one bag we're gonna add 1 cup of dust frozen mango to the second bag we're gonna add one cup of frozen mixed berries and to the third bag we're gonna add one cup of frozen blueberries the berries are lower in calories than the mango so because of that I'm adding one tablespoon of dry rolled oats to each of the berry smoothies this is gonna kind of help to balance out the amount of calories and also help to give us more carbs in those smoothies until the mixed berry one I'm also adding a small handful of fresh baby spinach which also freezes really well actually and you can add this to all of the smoothies if you want to or you don't have to add it at all if you don't want to so that's our three smoothies prepped which were roughly 300 calories each so to add another 100 calories and some extra protein to each of those three breakfasts we're gonna add some raw nuts to the meals I've added about a hundred calories of raw nuts to each bag which is what I like to do when when I have a smoothie I like to eat some raw