JUNIORRUN is a running event exclusively designed for children of all age groups to raise awareness and promote fitness. It’s a sincere effort to bring lifestyle changes in today's technology-driven centennials by encouraging and providing them the platform to stay healthy.
⭕Winner: Trophy and Gift
⭕1st Runner-up: Trophy and Gift
⭕2nd Runner-up: Trophy and Gift
JUNIORUN is the only timed competitive run for juniors in India.
Race Categories:
⭕The PRO - 10km Competitive Timed Run For 12 to 18 Years Boys/Girls.
⭕The Champs - 5km Competitive Timed Run For 8 to 18 years Boys/Girls.
⭕The Starters - 3km Competitive Timed Run For 4 to 15 years Boys/Girls.
⭕A flat 20% discount for Early Birds, which is limited by the targeted slots that are filled. Use code MU20
⭕A group of 10+ participants gets eligible for group discounts over & above the ongoing flat discounts at the registration page via an access code. Ask us for the code by emailing us at or WhatsApp at 9315212403
Participants’ takeaways:
DriFit T-shirt, Goody Bag, Finisher Medal, Timing/Participation Certificate & Breakfast,
Refund Policy:
In case of cancellation of the event due to reasons beyond our control, alternate options will be offered to registrants to participate in our upcoming events. It means the registration fee is not refundable but can be adjusted for our future events.
Waiver statement:
I affirm that I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for participating in the designated race. I have been certified to be physically fit by a licensed medical practitioner and agree to indemnify the organizers its agents, employees and associates, the organizing committee, and other persons connected to the event against any losses, damages, costs, liabilities, claims or proceedings arising out of any misstatement and misrepresentation made herein.