What is TM?
Transcendental Meditation is a simple, natural, effortless and scientifically verified technique of accessing the deeper states of mental awareness. It calms the restless mind and provides deep rest to the body, resulting in removal of stress, rejuvenation, improvement in mental and physical health, bliss and positivity
What happens when you meditate?
TM is an automatic technique. Based on the mind's inherent tendency to access higher states of happiness, it pulls the mind deeper into subtler states of awareness till the source of thought is reached. This source is full of infinite bliss, intelligence and creativity. It harmonizes brain function and brings the physiology back to balance.
What is TM's value in daily life?
TM aids in removing the root cause of most modern diseases - stress. Intelligence and creativity increases; the body feels balanced and light; you are more productive with lesser effort and thoughts and actions are positive. Relationships improve. This is how a normal human is - healthy, happy and compassionate.
Contact us
Help Line | +91-8800345408 |
Email | info@indiatm.org |
Website | https://indiatm.org |