Application development for Internet of Things & Web of Things
Wide coverage: IoT programming architectures and languages, protocols, rapid application development platforms, cloud platforms and advanced topics
It is estimated that the number of Internet connected physical devices will grow to 50 billion by 2020. Moreover, the growing adoption of social media (Twitter, Facebook, ...) on the Web has become a key source of information about the physical world and corresponding events. Data generated from all these information sources (including IoT devices and social media) will be tremendous in both volume and variety.
The Internet of Things (IoT) systems can be thought of connecting and combining all these elements. A key advantage of combining all these elements: it will open up small to large business opportunities and possibilities of developing IoT applications in novel scenarios such as smart metering, smart electric car recharge stations and retail & logistics.
In this context, this bootcamp aims:
This tutorial will cater to both beginners and those already working in related areas such as IoT, software engineering, and web technologies. We assume that attendees have some basic programming languages background. We will provide basics to understand IoT and communication protocols in our presentations. Our step-by-step tutorial will guide the audience to use both IoT and programming techniques to develop IoT applications.
Session Breakup
Introduction (10.00 am)
- Brief introduction: Things, applications in Internet of Things, motivation
- Programming elements in Internet of Things
- Elements of Internet of Things
- Class of IoT applications
- Programming approaches in the Internet of Things
- Node-centric programming
- Macro-programming
[Tea break (15 minutes)]
Building APIs connecting IoT devices to the Internet
- Building REST APIs for devices
- REST principles, resource, URI and URL
- HelloWorld example
- HTTP server using Node.js
- Content negotiation
- Formats and examples: JSON, XML, HTML
IoT protocols and interaction patterns
- Continuous HTTP polling
- Demo
- Shortcomings of HTTP polling
- Physical/Virtual mashups
- Demo: Yahoo weather service, HTML, JavaScript, Node.js
- Websocket
- Demo : Socket Server and Client
- Advantages and shortcomings
- Demo : Smart home Automation
- Options and considerations
[Lunc break (1 hour)]
IoT architecture and Physical-Virtual Mashups, Editors, Cloud Platforms
[Tea break (15 minutes)]
- Direct interaction pattern
- Gateway interaction pattern
- Demos: CoAP server running behind HTTP server
- Cloud platform
- A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things
- Node-RED
- Demos
Advanced topics (5.00 pm)
- Semantic web, semantic Web of Things, security
Hari Kiran ( +91 96321 77909
Terms & Conditions: In case of cancellation or no show by the participant, we offer a 100% refund of the ticket amount until the day before the event and allow ticket transfers up to 24 hours prior to the event.