As the exams for school and college students are just about to get over, we are introducing the Bye Bye Exam tickets and packages (ticket + food combo) for college and school students.
Each Package includes a Park Ticket & Meal Combo.
F&B team will create and offer a special student-centric meal plan.
·Tickets are only available for school and college students who provide valid school ID, college ID, or hall ticket at the Park admissions.
·Pricing is valid on all days from 27th Feb, 2019 to 30th June, 2019, at Theme Park and Water Park.
·No offers are applicable on these tickets.
·Prices are exclusive of taxes.
·Each Package includes 1 Regular Park Ticket + 1 F&B Voucher.
·Express upgradable at the park by paying standard upgrade charges
·Packages are only available for school and college students who provide valid school ID, college ID, or hall ticket at the Park admissions.
·Pricing is valid on all days from 27th Feb, 2019 to 30th June, 2019, at Theme Park and Water Park.
·No offers are applicable on these Packages.
·Prices are exclusive of taxes.