How to Build your Personal and Professional Brand via Public Relations | Event in NA | Townscript
How to Build your Personal and Professional Brand via Public Relations | Event in NA | Townscript

How to Build your Personal and Professional Brand via Public Relations

May 12 '20 | 10:00 AM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

In an ever-changing world, employees struggle to stand out to management, sales and marketing professionals deftly navigate an increasingly noisy landscape and business owners are challenged to recruit and retain talent.
One solution to these new realities is to empower employees to build their personal brands under the umbrella brand of their employers. Anvil Media President & Founder Kent Lewis will outline five key strategies to building personal brand, including writing, speaking, awards, press coverage and social media engagement.
From this session, you will be able to start building your own brand, as an employee or employer, companywide.
Employees will create more value, providing increased earning potential while employers empowering employees with training and support will improve retention as well as amplify sales and marketing efforts.
Why you should Attend:
When brand messages are shared by employees on social media, they get 561 percent more reach than the same messages shared by the brand’s social media channels
On average, employees have 10 times more followers than their company's social media accounts
Content shared by employees receives 8 times more engagement than content shared by brand channels
Leads developed through employees’ social media activities convert 7 times more frequently than other leads
Areas Covered in the Session:
Writing Syndicated Articles
Speaking at Industry Events
Submitting For and Securing Industry Awards
Pitching and Securing Press Coverage
Building Awareness and Thought Leadership via Social Media
Who Will Benefit:
Junior level Marketing Employees
Mid-level Managers
Senior Management
Business Owners
As President and Founder of Anvil Media, Inc., Kent Lewis is responsible for ensuring the company is living its mission and vision by managing overall corporate strategy, including operations, business development, sales and marketing.


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NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR
Joined on Apr 5, 2017
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