2 Days of Healing & Deliverance Conference.
This event is more than just a conference; Expect two days of power packed sessions filled with reflective Praise and Worship and never before teachings and demonstrations of the realities of spiritual warfare and spiritual mysteries by Apostle( Bro.) Geo Nazareth.
At its core, the Nazareth ministries’ HEAL YOUR LIFE conference- looks at healing from a comprehensive perspective, recognising the interrelation of the mind, body, soul, and spirit. Our objective is to inspire the End Time Bride of the Lord to wake up from their spiritual slumber and realise their purpose and calling for which God Almighty has created them and learn to manifest the true heavenly competence not only for the betterment of individual lives but also for the spiritual upliftment of society.
Day One will delve into deliverance sessions and discussions on the following: Mysteries of Spiritual Realms and Dimensions; How to defeat evil spiritual forces which destroys human relationship, finances and destinies; Nature of God and His purpose in creating us; Relevance of different dispensations ; Eye- Opening teachings of various spiritual mysteries and very importantly demonstrations on how people can be freed from the rut of negative spiritual energies.
Day Two will focus on deliverance from addictions, emotional healing, the importance of Holiness and Consecration along with a very important talk on the end time revelations and what is expected of the children of God. A major part of the second day schedule will again focus on spiritual deliverance of people facing various diabolical emotions and obstacles.
This conference offers not only an opportunity to train the bride of Christ but also a great opportunity for all attendees to be ministered to.