'Love the Earth as you love yourself'
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer i.e. 16th Sept, 2020, spend your some time with nature by walk or a run. FITNESSISTA17 is organizing a special event for you to increase awareness about protecting the natural resources.
It is a running/indoor walk event, 'Green Run 2020-2.0'. After registering yourself in this free event, you need to choose a category among 2Km walk, 5Km & 10Km and need to cover that distance. You'll get finisher e-medal.
Note: Fill the details carefully
On Sept 16, 2020:
1. Install any app like GOOGLE FIT to record the data (time, date and distance covered) and take the screenshot after your Run/Family Walk.
2. Click a picture or record a video while you are walking/running and share on our group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/trackyourfeet with caption
3. Before 11:00 PM till 17th Sept 2020, submit your data at https://tinyurl.com/greenrun2020data (Link will open on 14th Sept at 11:30 AM)
Note: The data should be of 16th Sept 2020 till 23: 59 hrs (as shown in the screenshot of the app)
Keeping the current situation in mind, you can go for an indoor walk. This means you can cover the distance walking in your home or on your roof, whichever you feel good. FITNESSISTA17, by any means, will not be held responsible for breaking of any law of lockdown by the participant.
For any queries, contact as at:
Email: fitnessista17@gmail.com