This class introduces GDAL and OGR utilities with example workflows for processing satellite/aerial imagery and building spatial ETL pipelines. You'll come out getting comfortable with the command line and being able to apply the skills immediately in your work. This will be an instructor-led live online class.
Day 1: 25 April 2023, 6pm-9pm IST (3 hours) [Check Local Time]
Day 1: 26 April 2023, 6pm-9pm IST (3 hours) [Check Local Time]
Day 1: 27 April 2023, 6pm-9pm IST (3 hours) [Check Local Time]
Instructor: Ujaval Gandhi
TA: Vigna Purohit
Course Outline
Working with Elevation Data
Processing of Aerial Imagery
Processing Satellite Data
Merging individual bands into a composite
Apply Histogram Stretch and Color Correction
Pan Sharpening
Raster Algebra
Downloading WMS Layers
Working with CSV Files
Merging Vector Files
Geoprocessing and Spatial Queries
Learn more about the course content and view the full course material from the Course Homepage.
About the Instructor:
Ujaval Gandhi is the founder of Spatial Thoughts. He has 15+ years of industry experience with spatial analytics. He spent the majority of his career building scalable spatial data processing pipelines at Google and brings his experience of big data processing to this class.
See the full profile at
Refund policy:
Student discounts and scholarships are available. See eligibility criteria and application process.