From Seeds to Soil: How Hariththarang Can Help You Create the Perfect Kitchen Garde | Event in NA | Townscript
From Seeds to Soil: How Hariththarang Can Help You Create the Perfect Kitchen Garde | Event in NA | Townscript

From Seeds to Soil: How Hariththarang Can Help You Create the Perfect Kitchen Garde

Apr 11'23 - Mar 07'31 | 01:00 PM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

Kitchen gardening is getting a makeover. These tiny, appealing, well-groomed vegetable garden is enjoying some sort of revival. They're appearing in backyards across the globe. Let's examine the basics of gardening in the kitchen with an expert in the field, Nicole Burke, author of the gorgeous book Kitchen Garden Revival. The tips in this article as well as the tips you'll discover in Nicole's book will have you cultivating your backyard kitchen garden like a pro.

What is the kitchen garden?

There are two types of gardening in the kitchen. The first one is done in your kitchen and can involve either re-growing veggies from food scraps (if you're interested in trying this, I would recommend Katie Elzer-Peter's guide, Zero-Waste Kitchen Gardening) or growing herbs and veggies on your windowsill. However, the kind of kitchen gardening we're speaking about in this piece takes place outdoors. It involves growing fresh, organic vegetables right outside your door. Instead of being done inside the kitchen, this kind of gardening for the kitchen takes place withinthe kitchen.

The French have been accustomed to their kitchen garden as the potager for many generations, and American colonists practiced kitchen gardening, too. But industrialization changed that and gardening in the kitchen garden was replaced by the straight rows of Victory Gardens. Unfortunately, following the industrialization of our food production system, the majority of families were left with no food garden at all.

What makes kitchen gardening different when compared to "regular" gardeners?

An increased enthusiasm for gardening in the kitchen, however, is bringing this tradition back in fashion. I asked what the kitchen garden differs from a vegetable patch to Nicole, and here's what she was able to say: "To me, what distinguishes a kitchen garden unique from a regular vegetable garden is that it's usually smaller, more often tended and designed to blend more aesthetically with the design and architectural style of the home." Kitchen gardens are designed spaces with beds that are symmetrical and planted in an aesthetically appealing manner. Also kitchen gardens aren't only functional, but they're also pretty. They're also meant for fresh food consumption, not for growing huge amounts of food to canning and preservation.

Where to put your kitchen garden

Nicole enjoys tying the kitchen gardens her company, Rooted Garden, designs and installs to other areas of the house for example, an existing fence line, the outside of the house or by even lining it up with windows or doorways. "You want your kitchen garden to look like it's always been there" she notes. Making the garden look like it connects to the lines and items that already are on the property is the most effective way to accomplish that.

"Of course, you should prioritize sun the most," she stresses, "and it's done by ensuring you're on the south-facing side of any high structures in your landscape. Also, you should ensure you're located near an water source. After you've considered sunlight and water, you can think about the style of your house and how you can extend one line and create a space which feels as though it's always been part of your house."

Don't just hurriedly plant your kitchen garden. Take a look at the space on your property you'd like to be able to enjoy and that is also light. You'll want to choose your garden to be, not too far away and hidden from view, but as closely tied to your daily routine as you can.

Where can you buy kitchen garden / Plants online?

HarithTharang has taken off from humble beginnings, from an unassuming counter that displayed "Gift-A-Plant" offerings to a shop that sells many innovative products to consumers.

HarithTharang is a brand with a unique design for all its products, the concept is one of being environmentally friendly as well as innovative and stylish. The range of products covers a broad range of natural materials, including, the coconut tree derivatives, bamboo derivatives, recycled household goods recycling plastics, as well as other natural or recyclable materials. The shop also offers services for designing and constructing house gardens. balcony gardens, terrace gardens and kitchen gardens, terrariums and professional maintenance of gardens.


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