From 0 To 1: Design Patterns - 24 That Matter - In Java | Event in NA | Townscript
From 0 To 1: Design Patterns - 24 That Matter - In Java | Event in NA | Townscript

From 0 To 1: Design Patterns - 24 That Matter - In Java

May 20'20 - May 19'25 | 02:00 PM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Java
Taught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler, husband-wife team
More than 50 real-world examples
This is an intensely practical, deeply thoughtful, and quirky take on 24 Design Patterns that matter.
Let’s parse that.
The course is intensely practical, bursting with examples - the more important patterns have 3-6 examples each. More than 50 real-world Java examples in total
The course is deeply thoughtful, and it will coax and cajole you into thinking about the irreducible core of an idea - in the context of other patterns, overall programming idioms and evolution in usage
The course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. There’s also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall
Lastly, the patterns matter because each of these 24 is a canonical solution to recurring problems

What's Covered:
Decorator, Factory, Abstract Factory, Strategy, Singleton, Adapter, Facade, Template, Iterator, MVC, Observer, Command, Composite, Builder, Chain of Responsibility, Memento, Visitor, State, Flyweight, Bridge, Mediator, Prototype, Proxy, Double-Checked Locking and Dependency Injection
The only GoF pattern not covered is the Interpreter pattern, which we felt was too specialized and too far from today’s programming idiom; instead we include an increasingly important non-GoF pattern, Dependency Injection
Examples: Java Filestreams, Reflection, XML specification of UIs, Database handlers, Comparators, Document Auto-summarization, Python Iterator classes, Tables and Charts, Threading, Media players, Lambda functions, Menus, Undo/Redo functionality, Animations, SQL Query Builders, Exception handling, Activity Logging, Immutability of Strings, Remote Method Invocation, Serializable and Cloneable, networking
Dependency Inversion, Demeter’s Law, the Open-Closed Principle, loose and tight coupling, the differences between frameworks, libraries and design patterns

Who is the target audience?
Yep! Engineers - from street-smart coders to wise architects - ought to take this course. After this class, you'll look at software design with a new pair of eyes
Yep! Product Managers ought to take this course - you will learn to understand the 'how' of Software Design without being constrained by it
Yep! Technology executives and investors who don't write code ought to take this course - after this you will always have an intelligent point-of-view on software, and won't find your eyes glazing over when its time to talk nitty-gritty
Computer Science majors (undergrad or grad) - if you are among the folks that make 'real world example Observer Pattern' such a common search phrase on Google, this is precisely the place for you
Yep! Journalists, Wall Street types or IP lawyers seeking to understand recurring patterns of problems and solutions in technology
Yep! If you are prepping hard for software engineering interviews :-)
Nope! This course is not right for you if you are looking for a Programming 101 course. That's not because there are pre-requisites, but simply because a Programming 101 course focuses on syntax, and on doing, while this course focuses on design, and on thinking

Basic knowledge
There are no pre-requisites other than curiosity - about Design, about Patterns, about Life :-)

What will you learn
Identify situations that call for the use of a Design Pattern
Understand each of 24 Design Patterns - when, how, why and why not to use them
Distill the principles that lie behind the Design Patterns, and apply these in coding and in life, whether or not a Design Pattern is needed
Spot programming idioms that are actually built on Design Patterns, but that are now hiding in plain sight


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