Foundation Montessori Certificate Course, Affiliated & recognised by Montessori Europe | Event in NA | Townscript
Foundation Montessori Certificate Course, Affiliated & recognised by Montessori Europe | Event in NA | Townscript

Foundation Montessori Certificate Course, Affiliated & recognised by Montessori Europe

May 27 '20 - Jun 26 '20 | 11:00 AM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

” I have studied the child. I have taken what the child has given me and expressed it and that is what is called the Montessori method. ”

– Dr. Maria Montessori. 

Montessori works in a methodical way. Each step in the process leads to the next level of learning. When a child plays, he or she is learning concepts for abstract learning. Repetition of activities is an integral part of this learning process.

For young children Montessori is a hands on approach to learning. It encourages children to develop their observation skills by doing many types of activities. These activities include use of the five senses, kinetic movement, spatial refinement, small and large motor skill coordination, and concrete knowledge that leads to later abstraction. 

Maria Montessori saw much need for reform in the educational system of her day, just as we see the same need for reform in our educational system today. Her goal was to develop the whole personality of the child and her system is based on a strong belief in the spontaneous working of the human intellect. Her three primary principles are observation, Freedom and Prepared Environment. These principles and their various practical expressions with children are gradually becoming part of our educational system.  

These Certificate courses that help young graduates in finding universal job opportunities and for existing School teachers to become powerful educators spreading the Montessori spirit of unfolding the child's natural potential for children to experience "the Joy of Learning"

Duration of the Course : 1 Month (30 Working Days )

Fees of the Course : 27,000 (INR) 

Theory Lectures:-

The theory lectures will offer the opportunity to examine and understand
a. The development of the whole child, and the successive phases of child development.
b. The formative psychic powers of the child that paves way to all-round development.
c. The role and attitude of the adult will also be studied.

The practical demonstration lectures involve :-

a. The overview of function and presentation of the materials offered to children in the age group of 3 to 6 years in a Montessori environment.

b. The aims of the materials, the technique to present them to the child and the apt age at which these are to be offered will be discussed in the sessions.


The medium of teaching will be English. Also, the course work should be submitted in English only.

Montessori Teachers Training certificate is valid worldwide. The benefits of a Montessori education are numerous. The main goal of Montessori is to provide a stimulating, child oriented environment that children can explore, touch, and learn without fear. Each child learns at his or her own pace. Teachers are understanding and encouraging, so that the child can enjoy learning, and feel happy about her path and purpose in life.

 Learning Outcome:-

    • An Educator, a Montessori Foundation program for support teachers is an in-depth study of Montessori Pedagogy with exclusive focus on the developmental needs of children in the age group of 3 to 6 years.
    • This program is for teachers who assist mothers during the infancy period of the child imparting knowledge about childcare with respect to nourishment, activities in which the child can be engaged in this phase and preparing a conducive environment that propels the all round development within.
    • Demonstrates an understanding of and implements Montessori philosophy with a focus on the early childhood years.
    • Comprehends and utilizes an understanding of the stages of human growth, development and educational theories with an emphasis from 2½ through 6 years of age.
    • Demonstrates evidence of personal growth through self-evaluation and introspection.


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    Joined on May 17, 2020
    MTE Founder and Program Director Mrs. Charu Kumar has a career in education that stretches over for more than 2 decades. She is a trained Montessorian from AMI, Netherlands. Also, She holds a degree in education, and is a Post graduate in Commerce.She founded Montessori Training Excellence in 2009.
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