FBE-2020 (Food N Beverages Expo 2020) organized by Entrepreneurs Welfare Association (EWA), a group of entrepreneurs.
Food N Beverages Expo 2020 is an opportunity to expand the business world wide, as well as to source and trade the widest selection of quality and cost effective
To promote this industry, EWA has launching its B2B Show, first edition with 150+ stalls at Bangalore.
Show date: 24th to 26th April - 2020.Time: 10am to 7pm( Fri - Sat) - 10am to 5pm(Sun).
Visitors: 10,000+ Potential visitors Exhibitors: 150+
Venue: NLG Exhibition Center, Bangalore, Karnataka.
Advertising & Promotions:
Times of India
Vijay Karnataka
Maharashtra Times
Navbharat Times
EI Samay
Nav Gujrat Samay
Sandhya Times
Dina Thanthi
Hoardings across the city.
Bus Promotions
Radio Promotions
Television Promotions
Invitation for 10,000 B2B & B2C visitors