In the Professional Facial Therapy Massage Training, you will learn the ancient art of giving face massage. It is built upon 60 Ancient Techniques that focus on unique percussion-based treatment, kneading treatment, rotation techniques, and many more.
This Facial Therapy Massage is a powerful, yet gentle facial rejuvenation treatment. It is a profound combination of traditional East Asian medical concepts and traditional facial therapy massage techniques. It helps release the energy and stress locked in the facial, head, and neck muscles.
The massage helps to rejuvenate and repair facial tissue and to prevent and reduce the impact of the aging process. Through a rapid, percussive, rhythmical touch, the nervous system is stimulated, blood circulation and lymphatic flow are improved, muscles are strengthened and toned and the energy flow in the face is balanced and supported.
Over 90% of the workshops consist of hands-on training, so you will be able to create a complete, therapeutic facial treatment by the end of the training.
Facial Therapy Massage Level - I - 3 Days: You will learn traditional concepts of health and beauty, thirty examples of Level I facial therapy techniques, massage techniques for the anterior neck, and manual lymph drainage techniques.
Facial Therapy Massage Level - II - 3 Days: You will learn refinements of level I techniques, thirty advanced Facial Therapy Massage techniques, massage techniques for the anterior neck, massage techniques for the head and scalp, and how to combine all techniques (level I and II) to create a complete, therapeutic facial therapy massage treatment.
Facial Therapy Massage Level - III: Shiatsu Facelift, The Energizing Stage - 2 Days Shiatsu: The Energizing stage uses meridian energy pathways and Tsubo or acupoints of the face to balance the internal organs. This stage is unique to Facial Therapy Massage. It consists of energizing the face by stimulating acupressure points (Tsubo) and lightly stroking meridians (Keiraku) to improve Ki (energy) flow through the face. The Energizing stage adds tremendous benefit to the entire facial massage by producing the effect of a natural face-lift without needing to insert needles as in acupuncture (and without, of course, the side effects of a surgical procedure). In Level III you will learn the basic Facial Therapy Massage shiatsu routine, the point location of all facial acupuncture points on the 6 meridians and 2 vessels, and specific acupressure routines for the eyes, upper cheek, upper eyelid, eyebrow, and forehead.
The massage course in Goa, India is 8 days. All 3 levels are spread over 8 days.