Peter Drucker is famous for saying that “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” So, what type of organizational culture do we need to embrace in order to realize enterprise-wide transformations?
To be effective at Enterprise Transformation, organizations must embrace the philosophies of becoming a learning organization. Successful transformations require the adoption of new ways of thinking, new ways of working, and new technologies. This is where it gets challenging for many organizations.
Because every organization is unique, with unique priorities and challenges, we need a fit-for-purpose and flexible strategy that reflects actual situations to get you from where you are today to becoming a learning organization in the future.
During this webinar, we will explore a real case study and share experiences on how to Align, Improve and Thrive in your Transformation journey using practices from the DA toolkit.
Topics to be covered:
1. What it means to be an Agile Transformation leader.
2. How to effectively manage organizational transformation in large-scale organizations.
3. How to address people skills and competencies at scale.
4. A few tools and practices from the Transformation blade of the DA toolkit.