May 27 '23 | 09:00 AM (IST)

Event Information

Discover Your Strengths - Unlock Your True Potential

Workshop Audience:

This workshop is meant for Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs, Soloprenuers, Professionals, Senior Executives who have at least 4-5 years of work experience. Anyone who is interested in knowing their innate talents and leveraging them in their professional and personal lives.

Saurabh Debnath ( Business Transformation Consultant)

"This experience will change your life. Trust me. My life has transformed thanks to Nitul and Clifton Strengths Assessment. We focus too much on our inadequacies, but what we should really focus on is nurturing our strengths’. The assessment and Nitul’s guidance has been my foundation towards the journey of self-discovery. Using the Clifton strengths in my day-to-day life has boosted my confidence, increased the enjoyment I derive from moment-to-moment experience, and helped me find my purpose in life. The way Nitul conducts the session with love, compassion and depth is exemplary. I highly recommend this assessment to everyone who has a growth mindset."

Workshop Takeaways: 

● You will take the Clifton Strengths Finder Assessment (online, you will discover your Top 5 Talents) by GALLUP USA. Over 25 million people have taken this assessment. A assessment code will be shared with you post registration. 

● 6 Hours of Virtual Group Session with a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach where you will understand the power of your Talents. And how to apply them in your life. 

● Customised Talent Insight Reports (2 special reports over and above Gallup reports)

Workshop Objectives

●Learn a new paradigm of human development: Strengths-Based Development.  Which is a major shift from investing majority of our time and resources on improving our weakness. 

● Unpack your Top5 Signature Talents and understand how they make you unique and craft your Personal Brand which is authentic and aspirational

● Craft your own "Strengths Zone": The environment in which you are at your best. This can help you make choices and decisions in your personal and professional life.

● Learn Action Plans on how to develop your talents to become the best possible version of yourself.

● Learn how to manage your weakness so that you can focus on your strengths 

Nidhi Ramachandran (ex Founder delivery start-up)

"I learned about Nitul through a friend at a time when I was searching for some answers. We started on a journey of discovery - first of my strengths and then went on to discover my potential areas of interest / potential. The strengths based approach that Nitul takes has been the most fascinating journey for me and has triggered a renewed passion for learning in me. New paths have opened up along the way and I have a mentor and friend in Nitul for life."

For further enquiries: Nitul Ojha (WA: 98204 50694),

Frequently Asked Questions:

How will I discover my Top5 Talents?

You will be asked to take the Clifton Strengths Assessment (Top5): this assessment has been developed by GALLUP USA. It is based on 40 years of research and is used by more than 90% of the Fortune 100 companies in the world. More than 25 million people have taken this assessment to discover their top talents. 

This is an online assessment, and it takes about 30-45 minutes. And consists of 180 questions. Once you register for the workshop, the assessment code will be shared with you. Using the code, you can take the Clifton Strengths’ assessment online.

How will I get my Talent reports?

Once you complete your assessment, the reports are generated in your online account, which you can access and download if you wish.

Based on your reports, I will generate additional 2 Custom reports that will give you different ways to understand and appreciate the unique power of your talents.

Is the workshop a live session

Yes. The workshop is a live session on Zoom. This will be an interactive session where you can ask your questions and participate in breakout rooms. 

Who is going to facilitate the workshop?

Nitul Ojha, is a GALLUP Certified Strengths Coach since 2014. He has facilitated workshops in the USA, Germany, Japan, South Korea and India. He is known for his genuine interactive style of facilitation. He has extensive experience working with various audiences of Senior Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Social Leaders. 

Will the Zoom session be recorded?

No recordings of the session will be provided after the workshop.

Is there any Pre-work to be completed before I come to the workshop?

Yes. The pre-work will consist of reading your reports thoroughly and highlighting some essential parts (instructions will be provided.) You will also watch short videos of your talents. And you will also fill up a few reflection sheets, which will help you observe how your talents are currently showing up in your life. And how your talents have helped you be successful in your life already. 

At most, the pre-work will take about 2-3 hours. However, this pre-work will help you take maximum value from your workshop.


This event is hosted on an Online Platform
You will receive joining details after the registration.
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Nitul Ojha
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Founder, Winning Edge: Focus on Leadership and Team Coaching, creating a culture of Collaboration, Innovation and Performance. A Gallup (USA) certified Strengths Coach: use the unique strengths based development approach to look at individual and organisational development.
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