Dharavi Slum Tour | Event in Mumbai | Townscript
Dharavi Slum Tour | Event in Mumbai | Townscript

Dharavi Slum Tour

Daily | 10:00 AM (IST)

Event Information

Visit Asia’s Largest Slum, DHARAVI: The Heart of Mumbai.

Why is Dharavi the heart of Mumbai?

Dharavi is one of the largest slums in Asia. Dharavi’s economic output is estimated to be approximately 1 billion US dollars annually much of that revenue is generated by Rubie’s informal recycling industry over 20 million people live in Mumbai they produce over 6,500 tons of garbage every single day over 85% of that waste is recycled. Normally people think slum is all poor people left there but we are trying to show the different set of Dharavi slums which is a sense of community and friendly and hard work hard-working people have is a place where many different kinds of people live there are very poor people and also very very rich also people who export stuff from here who make millions of rupees so it’s a city within the city.

We love doing these tour’s in Dharavi because this is not a monument where information is always the same here we meet the real people and the real side of the slum and this is how we are trying to change the legend about the Dharavi slums in Mumbai.

Dharavi slums in Mumbai the DHARAVI it’s one of the most vibrant centers for extreme entrepreneurship on our Planet. It has a large number of thriving small-scale industries that produce Plastic Recycling, export quality leather goods, pottery, embroidered garments, and many more. Most of these products are made in tiny manufacturing and sold in domestic as well as international markets. Most of these things are created innovatively, in a very small space!

The most interesting thing that guides him lives in the Dharavi slum

Highlights of the Dharavi Slum Tour

  • The place where Slumdog Millionaire was shot
  • Leather Industries
  • Pottery
  • Making of soap
  • Bakery
  • Color Dye
  • Small Alley
  • Schools & Hospitals
  • Houses in Slum
  • Plastic Recycling
  • Muslim people making a shrine for Hindus
  • Recycling of veg oil can
  • The most interesting thing is, guide himself lives in slums
  • Slum market


Third Wave Coffee
Marinagar Colony, Station, Mahim, Mumbai City, Mumbai, India
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