Developers of Future | Event in NA | Townscript
Developers of Future | Event in NA | Townscript

Developers of Future

Dec 02 '20 | 11:30 AM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

Unveiling the latest innovations & strategies to build a Rockstar Tech Workforce in 2020 & beyond

Three Secrets for Developing A Powerful Tech Workforce and Scale up your technical teams for 2021 and beyond

  • Future of Developer Hiring: How to Identify the right developers for your Organisation tech needs?
  • Future of Developer Upskilling: How to Improve the skill set of developers as per the future needs of the company?
  • Future of Developer Engagement & Retention: How to engage developers and keep them continuously engaged in a WFM environment

Successful Companies Have a Powerful Tech Workforce!

Technology companies are now scrambling to scale up and get the best talent for their organization!

  1. Are you Recruiting the right coders for your organization? Are they the best talent?
  2. Are you able to identify their inherent skills?
  3. Are you able to identify their technical development needs?
  4. Are you able to keep them continuously engaged? or are they disengaged due to lack of challenge?
  5. Are you able to drive Meaningful collaboration in a WFH environment?
  6. Are you able to utilize skills and engage with your Senior Developers effectively?

Discover Insights on how developers of Future need to be Hired, Upskilled, and Engaged

A meet where you can learn about how to.

  1. Recruit the Best Developers based on your organization's Strategy Plans
  2. Identify and utilize their technical strengths for the right projects
  3. Identify their future skilling and training needs and keep them engagement
  4. Proven methodologies for assessing tech skills, the right way!
  5. Action plan to scale up your technical teams


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