The most sophisticated tool for converting OST files into MBOX files without size restrictions is DataVare OST to MBOX Converter Software. This application has been thoroughly tested and has the ability to convert only filtered OST files. An OST file can be simply converted into an MBOX file by any user without any issues. You may access the results on a variety of email clients, including Thunderbird, Entourage, Apple Mail, PocoMail, and others. All email headers, including To, CC, BCC, from, subject, and date, are converted in a secure manner. By enabling the preview option in the conversion application, this utility enables each user to view all the databases prior to error-free conversion of an OST file into an MBOX file. Users don't require any further tools after utilising the most alluring conversion application because this is a standalone programme. If you have any inquiries about this application, don't hesitate to get in touch with the technical support staff. The finest feature of this tool is that some functions, like converting an OST file to MBOX format, are available in a free demo edition. All Windows operating system versions, including Windows 10, 7, 8, XP, and Vista, are compatible with this programme in an ingenious manner.