Recorded Value Creation by ESG Reporting by Ludivine Noirel, Founder and CEO Bridgeastern | Event in NA | Townscript
Recorded Value Creation by ESG Reporting by Ludivine Noirel, Founder and CEO Bridgeastern | Event in NA | Townscript

Recorded Value Creation by ESG Reporting by Ludivine Noirel, Founder and CEO Bridgeastern

Jul 17'24 - Dec 31'39 | 03:00 PM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

Sustainable development is a global challenge being faced by all Corporates and Governments across the world. To address them every industry is taking measures. With strong linkages being established between Sustainability and growth, shareholders and the investment community are emphasizing the need to invest in companies that are sustainable and socially responsible. 
In light of the present ongoings, IICSR is organizing a workshop on Why reporting on ESG for your company/startup is crucial for your business while it eases the investment process, the current trends, and related topics to make you ready to start.

CSR Practitioners
Entrepreneurs, MSMEs
Post Graduate Students
Impact Investors
NGOs working on Climate actions, Social welfare and Governance

Learn the basics of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) framework
Benefits and outcomes of ESG reporting
How to organize your Non Financial reporting from Startups to Corporations
Cost & risk analysis for non-financial reporting

 Ludivine Noirel, Founder and CEO Bridgeastern (India | Singapore |  
 Europe | USA)
 Ludivine has 19 years of experience in the capital markets as an Equity
 Fund Manager and an investor in listed as well as private companies in
 Europe, India and South-East Asia. She heads Bridgeastern which is a
 bridge accelerator company between Asia, Europe and the US but also
 an investment vehicle. She has her venture partners associated with the
 VC’s in Europe and in the US, like Ahimsa Capital. 


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