The Pune River Revival cordially invites you for a unique and free session on riparian tree mapping.
The term riparian means of or relating to wetlands adjacent to rivers and streams.
Whereas tree mapping refers to creating a detailed database of the trees under observation.
Pune is blessed with many rivers like the Mula, Mutha, Pavna, Indrayani, Ramnadi, Mula-Mutha and Devnadi. Each river and its banks have a unique composition of riparian trees. These riparian corridors must be conserved, protected, and restored. However, before any restoration efforts can begin, we must first create a database of them or map them.
Difficulty level: easy
No prior experience is needed; love for nature is sufficient
How it is done: you can join as an expert if you are good at identifying plants; else you can join as volunteer and help the experts to collect the data. We offer on-site training and mapping sessions where you can simultaneously create the required database in a short period. You will get to see the greenest and most serene parts of Pune and also get a chance to know Mother Nature more closely. Students who have opted for elective subjects to work with NGOs and organizations are most welcome to join us.
See you!