Ralamandal Hill Run- 5th edition- Event by Indore superchargers | Event in Indore | Townscript
Ralamandal Hill Run- 5th edition- Event by Indore superchargers | Event in Indore | Townscript

Ralamandal Hill Run- 5th edition- Event by Indore superchargers

Dec 22 '24 | 06:30 AM (IST)

Event Information

Welcome to the 5th edition of the  Ralamandal Hill Run- Winter Run- Event By Indore Superchargers- Your own Fitness group. 

The Run will be held on 22nd Dec 2024 at Ralamandal Hill Sanctuary, Indore.  

The event Spreads the Message to Conserve our Forests as well as bring awareness towards different forms and challenges in athletic training. Taking the Ralamandal Hill run Challenge will be giving you the opportunity to test yourself against the hill in uphill as well as downhill running in a controlled environment.   

Due to the Restrictions of the Forest area, Very limited registration slots are available. 

Total time for the event is 2 Hours 15 Minutes(135 Min) 

You have to choose the category of Participation at the time of Registration . YOU can change the category from 'My bookings' section prior to final data submission. However, no change will be permitted after the data is submitted ( 1 week prior to event).  Please note that  this is a distance event . If you fail to complete the chosen number of loops in the given time, your timing certificate may not be generated. -Participants will be given Bibs with Timing Chips to Record their Distance covered. 

Flag off- 7.30 AM*

Event Cutoff- 9.45 AM*( OR 135 Minutes after actual Flag off time)

Registration charges will cover- Entry to Ralamandal Sanctuary on the day of the Event. Parking Charges. Event BIB with Timing chip, On the Run Hydration and support, Post run Snacks and Refreshments, Finishers Souvenir.

Try to keep the Event as much Plastic Free as Possible. Do not litter in the Jungle. Carry the trash to the nearest Dustbin and deposit it there. 

Minors if participating should be accompanied by an adult who at all times.

You will be responsible for your conduct inside the Wildlife sanctuary and following all the rules and regulations of the forest department

Registration is not Transferable or refundable. Liability of Organizers will be limited to adjustment of registration amount in a future event of ISC in case of Cancellation of this event due to unforeseen circumstances.

*Actual Flag Off time is subject to change and will be decided as per prevailing conditions and directions given by Forest department


Ralamandal Wildlife Sanctuary
Ralamandal, Indore, Indore, India
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Indore Super Chargers
Joined on Jun 14, 2018
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