Cold Chain West Bengal 2022 one of the leading international exhibition for Cold storage infrastructure, Refrigeration, Reefer transport, Temperature controlling, IT and data storage solution. As the kingdom continues to undergo rapid urbanization with the major investments in commercial, residential and industrial project, Cold Chain West Bengal rides on India’s economic growth while helping the country to meet increasing demand for Cold storage infrastructure, Refrigeration, Reefer transport, Temperature controlling, IT solution and data storage solution, With the government’s strong emphasis on applying green construction methods and technologies, the demand for Cold chain industries products has also shifted focus on to smart technologies. Cold Chain West Bengal 2022 is the preferred business to business event connecting industry players to key decision makers. Showcase your product portfolio to thousands of key buyers who are looking for the latest equipment and solutions in the Cold Chain industry.
Science City
Mirania Gardens, East Topsia, Topsia, Kolkata, India