Certified API, REST & Microservices Tester Online Training Outside India | Event in NA | Townscript
Certified API, REST & Microservices Tester Online Training Outside India | Event in NA | Townscript

Certified API, REST & Microservices Tester Online Training Outside India

Oct 13 - 15 '23 | 10:00 AM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

Course Description:
In the modern world there is an increased trend of promoting reuse in software via exposing software functions as standard interfaces called APIs. Most cloud as well as SaaS and utility IT applications are made available as APIs and more recently microservices.

This course is for testers and practitioners who work with APIs. It provides a comprehensive view of:
  • The different components of API testing
  • Different standards for API
  • Test design techniques for API testing
  • Life cycle of API testing techniques including security, load, and interoperabiity
  • A hands on view of API testing with popular tools like soapUI and Postman
  • Automation at API testing level
Course Duration:
3 Days

Target Audience:
All testers who are looking to get skilled in testing SaaS and cloud need to get certified on this. Additionally testers who test web based applications based on standard interfaces like REST and microservices need to take this. Specifically:
  • Functional Testers
  • Test Managers
  • Infrastructure Managers
  • Cloud Architects
  • Performance Testers
  • Security Testers
Learning Objectives:
  • Attendees will be able to:
  • Understand the Life cycle of API testing techniques
  • Understand How API testing complements UI testing
  • Know the different API standards
  • Implement API testing in popular tools like soapUI and Postman
  • Implement Automation in API testing projects
  • Design API related test cases and test scenarios
Course Outline:

Chapter – 1 – Basics
  • SOA, Microservices and APIs
  • What are Microservices?
  • What is SOA?
  • What is API?

Chapter – 2 – Architectures compared
  • SOA Vs Microservices
  • API Vs Microservices
  • Examples of API
  • Examples of Microservices
  • Understanding Microservices Architecture
  • How Microservices Architecture Works

Chapter – 3 – SOA API standards
  • SOAP vs REST
  • Web services architecture - SOAP Basics, Testing SOAP Requests (soapui), WSDL, Testing WSDL based stub generation (soapui), Test Design and Execution for SOAP with soapui

Chapter – 4 – REST Architecture
  • REST basics and Best Practices
  • Basic Testing REST (Curl, Postman, RESTAssured) - GET Request, POST Request, PUT Request, DELETE Request

Chapter – 5 – Testing Life Cycle for API Testing
  • Deriving Test Cases for API - Principles and Techniques with Example
  • Test Management for API testing
  • Methods - Boundary Value, Equivalence Partitioning

Chapter – 6 – Mocking REST Requests
  • Mocking with SOAPUI
  • Mocking in PostMan - Recording Responses

Chapter – 7 – Securing REST Requests
  • Authentication with POSTMan
  • Authentication with RESTAssured

Chapter – 8 – Assertions and Automation Testing (POSTMan)
  • Different types of Assertions
  • Response Code Assertions
  • JSON Content Inspection Assertion
  • Header Inspection Assertions
  • Variables at different scopes - global, session
  • Pre-Request Scripts
  • Test Scripts

Chapter – 9 – Data-Driven Automation testing
  • Loading Data from Excel for automation in POSTMan
  • Collection Requests
  • Command Line Execution with POSTMan

Chapter – 10 – Orchestration of REST Services in POSTMan
  • Simple Sequence of Services
  • Chaining of Services

Chapter – 11 – Extending testing to microservices
  • Reusing API Testing for Microservices
  • Orchestration testing of microservices
  • Service virtualization for microservices testing

Chapter – 12 – Tool Demos (Additional to the ones already covered in POSTMAN)
  • 10.1 CURL
  • 10.2 RestAssured

Learn from one of the best in India:

Dr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni, Intellect/Buddhi, testAIng.com

Dr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni is a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Awarded the title of “Eminent Engineer” by the renowned organization “Institution of Engineers” (IEI). Excellence award for Innovation at Infosys, Research excellence award at the University of Alberta, and Merit award at IIT Kanpur.

Ex-president of ACM India, the top professional organization of computing professionals, he is currently the Chief Mentor for Tarah technologies, an AI consulting company through which he does marquee training and strategic consulting work in AI.

Co-founder of CityMandi.com a next-generation AI-enabled smart B2B startup in Food Tech, he is also a Governance Board member of Totalstart.

He is a guest professor at IIT Tirupati. He specializes in areas of software engineering, AI and Machine Learning.
He likes Browsing, Reading Indian Mythology, Debating.


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