#CelebratingCancerAwarenessWeek with teachers and their families.
Teachers are the real nation builders and they play a pivotal role in the development of our youth. We recognize their efforts and contributions to society and would like to show our appreciation to them.
We would like to inform you that on the occasion of “World Cancer Day" Patel Hospital is celebrating Cancer Awareness Week for teachers and their families from 7th February - 12th February 2022.
Show your ID card and get your and your family health screening done free and also get a flat 50% discount on Health Screening Tests.
*To avail of benefits please visit Patel Hospital with your ID card.
For Registration or more information 92162-84444 / 92162-74444
To book an appointment with us 0181-5241000 / www.patelhospital.com
Patel Hospital Civil Lines Jalandhar City Punjab.
#cancer #cáncer #câncer #cancerwarrior #cancerawareness #CancerAwarenessMonth #cancertreatment #cancercentre #canceriscurable #bestcancercentre #bestcancerhospital #WorldCancerDay #PatelHospital #Jalandhar #Punjab #JoAaveSoRaaziJaave