Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) Practitioner
Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting has evolved over a period of time from Business responsibility reporting deriving its presence from the National voluntary guidelines (NVGs), Millennium development goals (MDGs) and other principles of significance for the development of India.
Top 1,000 listed companies (by market capitalization) in India are required to submit BRSR reports on a voluntary basis for fiscal years 2021-22 and on a mandatory basis for fiscal years 2022-23. The format as specified by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Other listed companies may submit the BRR voluntarily.
This course aims to prepare all the stakeholders to be ready to report on BRSR and guide them to implement the requirements from the compliance perspective to the purpose of the reporting.
BRSR and its evolution
Comparative analysis with the Reporting standards - GRI, IR, TCFD, SASB
Compliance requirements
Forms of Assurance
Role of each stakeholder in reporting
Chartered accountants, Directors, Head CSR and Sustainability, ESG practitioners