On the occasion of Hindi Diwas, Angels Paradise Academy is coming up with this unique and exciting 14 days Hindi challenge.
Age group- 2 to 5 years, 6 to 10 years and 11 to 15 years
Children need to record their video (Maximum of 1.5 mins) on their/parent's Instagram handle in the form of reel for 14 days with the challenge for that particular day. The video should be uploaded with the following Hashtags:
#14dayschallenge #bolohindi #angelsparadiseacademy and #daynumber e.g. #day1 #day2 and location as Angels Paradise Academy
Whats app group will be created for these three different age groups and parents need to send the Instagram link of the video before 7 pm everyday after which the group will be closed for that day.
Whats app group will be created on 31st August.
Day wise Challenge for Age group 2 to 5 Years
Day 1- रंगों पर तुकबंदी या कविता (Rhyme or Poem on Colours)
Day 2- फलों पर तुकबंदी या कविता (Rhyme or Poem on Fruits)
Day 3- ऋतुओं पर तुकबंदी या कविता (Rhyme or Poem on Seasons)
Day 4- मेरे पसंदीदा भोजन पर कुछ पंक्तियाँ (A few lines on My favourite food)
Day 5- भारत पर कविता (Poem on India)
Day 6-संख्या 1 से 10 तक हिन्दी में सुनाएँ (Recite Numbers 1 to 10 in hindi)
Day 7- स्वरगीत (Swargeet)
Day8- व्यंजन माला (Vyanjan mala)
Day 9- शरीर का अंग हिंदी में (Body Parts in hindi)
Day 10-दादी/नानी से सुनी कहानी (Grandma stories)
Day 11- त्यौहारों पर कुछ पंक्तियाँ ( A few lines on Festivals)
Day 12-जानवरों पर कविता (Poem on Animals)
Day 13-एडवरटाइजमेट की तीन पिछली टैगलाइन (Three hind taglines of advertisement)
Day 14- हिंदी दिवस का नारा (Hindi diwas slogan)
Day wise Challenge for Age group 6 to 15 Years
Day 1-पर्यावरण पर नारा (Slogan on environment)
Day 2-भारत पर कविता (Poem on India)
Day 3-किसी भी राष्ट्रीय नेता के बारे में बात करें (Talk about any national leader)
Day 4- अच्छे विद्यार्थी के गुन (qualities of a good student)
Day 5- शिक्षक दिवस पर कुछ पंक्तियाँ (A few lines on Teacher's Day)
Day 6- आंखो देखा मैच( A running commentary on any match)
Day 7- जल्दी ज्ल्दी कहा हुआ वाक्य (Tongue twister) e.g. पके पेड़ पर पका पपीता पका पेड़ या पका पपीता – ( Pake Ped Par Pakka Papita Paka Ped Ya Pakka Papita )
Day 8-किसी भी पुस्तक की समीक्षा( Review on any book)
Day 9- हमारी पाठशाला (Our School)
Day 10-विद्यार्थी और मोबाइल फ़ोन (student and mobile phone)
Day 11-सिनेमा/ चलचित्र (Cinema)
Day 12-विविध्ता में एकता (unity in diversity)
Day 13- ज़हीराद बनाओ (Recreate any advertisement)
Day 14- बोलो हिंदी (the importance of Hindi Language)
Exciting prizes for 1st 3 winners in each age group:
Age Group 2 to 5 Years
1st Prize- Smart watch, art kit and trophy
2nd Prize- Greenkinder Camera and trophy
3rd Prize- Patpat spelling game, writing tablet and trophy
Age Group 6 to 10 Years
1st Prize- Instax camera and trophy
2nd Prize- Smart watch and trophy
3rd Prize- Headphones and trophy
Age Group 11 to 15 Years
1st Prize- Smart Phone and trophy
2nd Prize- Smart watch and trophy
3rd Prize- Headphone and trophy
Judgement Criteria
Terms and Conditions: